Work from Home Ergonomics


We all know that working at home isn’t easy. There are distractions everywhere.

Instead of being surrounded by coworkers with a similar work-oriented mindset, we encounter disruptions from roommates, neighbors, and friends. Adapting to your new and unusual work from home environment can be extremely challenging, especially if your “office” isn’t suitable for your personal or professional work needs.

And if you’ve recently transitioned to a freelance job (like many others during the 2020 quarantine), the drastic changes to your work routine could be throwing you off, adding tension to already stressful tasks.

Thankfully, you don’t have to accept that working at home will always be an obstacle. We have some simple solutions that will help you harness your work from home power and productivity. Let’s get into it!


How to Sit at Your Work from Home Office Desk

Learning how to sit might seem like a chapter in a puppy training manual, but there are plenty of adults who need to hear this. You might be one of them.

Your posture could be impacting your day more than you might think. If you’re hunched over with your shoulders forward as you work, you’re doing a disservice to your back, neck, and brain. A poor posture will hurt you in the long run even more if your job requires long periods of sitting at a computer.


Imagine the posture of a 6-year-old who loves dance class as they’re on their way to dance class. Embody that eager confidence and send it directly to your spine. It’s that easy. You just need to be mindful.


If your hands and arms feel cramped after a long day, it might be the fault of your posture, too. Try keeping your wrists straight as you work and maintain a 90-degree angle at your elbows.


The Right Tools for the Job

You might be thinking I know my posture sucks. It’s just too hard to fix. Luckily there are tools for those who struggle to maintain a healthy posture. Consider buying a chair with proper lumbar support. You could also get a support pillow to attach to the chair you already own.


If you have the money and want to splurge, you could also buy a 27” IPS computer monitor. With more accurate colors and a superior viewing angle, it can help your posture and your work from home flow.


Oh, and this one should be self-explanatory. Don’t sit on the bed or the sofa. It might be comfortable, but it doesn’t help your posture or your headspace. Work at a desk, like you would at a typical job.


Your Work from Home Sanctum

Working a job at home creates challenges when separating home life from work life. It’s even harder for freelancers who get to choose their own hours. That’s why a dedicated workspace is so important. It helps create a divide and keep you focused.


Having an office space set aside for you can also help you discuss boundaries with your kids, friends, partners, or whoever might interrupt you. Once you establish and enforce rules regarding distractions, you won’t be as distracted. Yes, it’s that easy.


While you’re in your sanctum, you can’t forget that you’re a human who needs to take care of your body. Being focused doesn’t mean not taking breaks.


Maintain a Healthy Environment

Staring at your screen all day isn’t great for your eyes. Use the 20/20/20 rule. After 20 minutes spent looking at your screen, spend 20 seconds looking at something else 20 feet away. This method helps your eyes relax. If you already use the Pomodoro Technique, the 20/20/20 method is super easy to add in!


Stay hydrated. I cannot emphasize this enough. While you’re on your 20-minute eye break, you can make it a water break, too. Drinking more water more often also means you’ll need to take more bathroom breaks. The added movement will do you good.


Overcoming Work from Home Challenges

Working at home and freelancing both possess their own challenges, and they can be tough to overcome. Know that you’re tough, too. You will overcome.


Continue on your path of success with mindfulness in these areas:

·       sitting with proper posture

·       using tools when you need help

·       eliminating distractions to stay focused

·       taking regular breaks for your body and eyes

·       drinking water often



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